Research・Volunteer activity

4000m class Himalayas seen from the ground of TCV (Tibetan Children`s Villages Gopalpur)

Since 2004, we have been doing overseas medical volunteers based in Indian Refugee Villages (Tibetan Children's Villages: TCV). As part of the research work of Ama Occupational Health and Mental Health Consultant Office, I worked as a medical volunteer in Gopalpur TCV or one year in 2004, and since then I have visited every March and April at the beginning of the new fiscal year.

What is TCV (Tibetan Children's Villages)?

It was established as a school for children who fled to India after His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who fled to India in 1959 due to the suppression of Tibet by China that began in the 1950s. There are 8 major schools in various parts of India, which operate from kindergarten to high school (some up to middle school), and educate exiles from the Tibet Autonomous Region of China and their children. It is accredited as a regular school by the Indian government, and it is possible to rgo to university and college after graduating from high school.

About Gopalpur TCV

Gopalpur TCV is a school established in 1997 and currently has about 1200 students enrolled. At first, the majority of Tibetans were exiles from the Tibet Autonomous Region of China and second- and third-generation Indian-born Tibetans. In addition, Tibetan children who live abroad cometoTCV for a year or two to learn Tibetan language and Tibetan culture, and there are also Indian students who are interested in TCV education. Approximately 90% of the village is made up of children, and 20 to 30 studetns live together n a house under the care of their home mothers up to junior high school age. Children take care of themselves, including eating and cleaning. High school students will live in a dormitory in the vsame illage. The purpose of the village is to make the children study, so the educational policy is strict, but various events such as sports competitions, festivals, and movie viewing parties are held with the aim of physical and mental development.

At the bottom of the page, you can find photos from our activities in India. Please enjoy the local atmosphere. If you are interested in volunteering, please feel free to contact me at the e-maillisted on his contact page.